We are the Coachella Valley chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America
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For all inquiries, please email the DSACV Executive Committee at dsacoachellavalley@gmail.com.
Executive Committee Communication Policy
Members and non-members who contact individual Executive Committee members with formal or important communication for the Committee will be directed to re-submit their request solely to dsacoachellavalley@gmail.com. This will help make sure that communications to the Committee are better coordinated and help Committee members avoid any ambiguity about personal vs. Committee communications.
Members and non-members who contact the Executive Committee email (dsacoachellavalley@gmail.com) with formal or important communication for the Committee who also CC individual Executive Committee email addresses will be directed to remove individual Executive Committee email addresses from future communications.
Senders will receive a receipt acknowledgement from co-chairs or secretary within 3 business days.
A timeline for response will be outlined in the receipt acknowledgement.
The Executive Committee will not respond to anonymous communications or senders that willfully ignore the DSACV Executive Committee Communication Policy.